Sukses ANBK siswa/i kelas 8 SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro Tahun 2021


    Alhamdulillah, Pelaksanaan Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer (ANBK) siswa/i kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro berjalan dengan lancar dan tertib. Asesmen ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 sesi selama 2 hari yaitu Senin-Selasa, 04-05 Oktober 2021 yang diikuti oleh 45 peserta utama dan 5 peserta cadangan dengan mengikuti standar protokol kesehatan. Asesmen Nasional ini bertujuan untuk memetakan mutu pendidikan, memberi umpan balik pada penyelenggara Pendidikan dan merancang tindak lanjut untuk perbaikan mutu/sistem.

Terimakasih pula kepada Kadinas Dikpora Kabupaten Bantul, Tim ANBK Dikpora, Proktor-Teknisi Sekolah dan stakeholder lainnya yang telah membantu dan memfasilitasi terselenggaranya ANBK tahun ini, sehinga dapat berjalan dengan lacar dan tidak ada kendala berarti. Semoga ini menjadi amal ibadah Bapak/Ibu sekalian.

1 komentar:

  1. The system worked so properly that Las Vegas casinos actually changed the rules of blackjack to offer the supplier an added benefit. Those changes would show to be short-lived, however Thorp's guide would go on to become a massive bestseller, and stays a key guide to the game of blackjack to this day. The supplier immediately proclaims the profitable number and its colour and places a special marker on the corresponding number on the format. He first collects all shedding bets, not disturbing the chips which are be} resting on profitable spaces, after which pays off any profitable bets. In actuality, roulette was derived in France within the early 18th century from the older games hoca and portique, and it is first mentioned underneath its current name in 1716 in Bordeaux. Following {several|a number of} modifications, roulette achieved its current format and wheel structure about 1790, after which it rapidly gained standing as the main sport within the 토토사이트 casinos and gambling homes of Europe.
